14 avril 2021
The CNDP is the independent authority that guarantees the right to information and public participation in the development of projects and public policies with an impact on the environment.
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The CNDP is made up of 25 members from different backgrounds (members of parliament, local elected officials, members of the Council of State, the Court of Cassation, the Court of Auditors, associations, employers, trade unions, etc.) who ensure its independence, especially with regard to the administrations and project managers. They are appointed or designated for a period of five years and cannot be removed. These members are the main guarantors of its neutrality and do not have the authority to express an opinion on the substance of projects.
The members meet in plenary commissions every month, during which they take decisions as a group, after examining projects that require or lead to prior public participation.
The composition of the commission is equal, except for one seat.
The chairperson and vice-chairpersons are appointed by a decree and hold their positions on a full-time basis.
The president of the CNDP, Chantal JOUANNO, was appointed on March 19, 2018 by decree of the French President. Ilaria CASILLO, vice president of the CNDP, was reappointed for a 5-year term by decree of the President on October 12, 2020. Floran AUGAGNEUR, vice president of the CNDP was appointed by decree of the President on June 1, 2018.
See the members of the committee.
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Chantal JOUANNO |
Ilaria CASILLO |
One deputy and one senator
Respectively appointed by the President of the French National Assembly, and the President of the Senate:
Six local elected officials
Appointed by a decree on the proposal of the associations representing the elected officials concerned:
One member of the Council of State
Elected by the general assembly of the Council of State :
A member of the Court of Cassation
Elected by the general assembly of the Court of Cassation :
A member of the Court of Audit
Elected by the Council Chamber of the Court of Audit :
A member of the administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal
Appointed by decree on the proposal of the High Council of Administrative Courts and Administrative Courts of Appeal:
Two qualified persons, one of whom has served as an investigating commissioner
Appointed by order of the Prime Minister on the proposal of the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Public Works respectively:
Two representatives of approved environmental protection associations operating throughout France
Appointed by order of the Prime Minister on the proposal of the Minister of Ecology:
Two representatives of consumers and users
Appointed by order of the Prime Minister on the proposal of the Minister of the Economy and the Minister of Transport respectively:
Two representatives of trade unions representing employees
Two representatives of companies or consular chambers, including one representative of agricultural companies
To guarantee public participation in its activities, the CNDP appoints one or more guarantors whose mission is to ensure that the right to information and participation in public debates is respected. It also appoints teams in charge of organizing and leading public debates (President and members of the Commission particulière de débats publics).
Concertation guarantors are registered on a national list, kept up to date by the CNDP. The CNDP has more than 350 employees, including more than 300 representatives.
The CNDP also relies on a network of regional delegates, whose mission is to promote public participation, disseminate best practices and lead the network of guarantors. The regional delegates are in contact with various local actors and maintain partnerships.
These collaborators are chosen for their mastery of the challenges of citizen participation and their independence. The absence of conflict of interest is an essential prerequisite for their recruitment and appointment, if applicable. They come from civil society and are not employees of the CNDP, but are compensated by the CNDP for their work. Their status is that of occasional public service collaborator (COSP).
The CNDP is an independent administrative authority. The funds required for its operation are proposed by the Commission for inclusion in the Finance Act. The allocated credits are then included in the general State budget and voted in the Finance Act. The CNDP is subject to audit by the Court of Auditors.
The CNDP has an annual budget of nearly 10 million euros, including less than 1 million euros for its operations and nearly 9 million euros for organizing public debates. The public debates are financed by the project leaders. The budget for each debate is negotiated with the project leaders and then paid into a fund that allows the CNDP to manage it independently. Each year, it intervenes in projects with estimated costs of several billion euros.
The CNDP pays the compensation and expenses of the third-party guarantors it appoints to organize public debates or guarantee consultations with the public, to ensure their absolute independence.
14 avril 2021
The CNDP is the independent authority that guarantees the right to information and public participation in the development of projects and public policies with an impact on the environment.
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14 avril 2021
Since 1995, the history of the CNDP has been a constant reinforcement of participatory democracy in the environmental field.
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